Saturday, September 21, 2024

10 Instagram Posts of LIFE Lessons For Regular Reflection (English)

  “Reflections on the sublime Dhamma teachings very constantly

will spur us to practice the Dhamma well to end all misery .”
You might want to check out the following Presentation
where we can do good Dhamma Reflections at the links below:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The 8 Worldly Winds ~ Life Lessons to Know

 “The 8 Worldly Winds ~ Life Lessons to Know”

(Narration in Hokkien for Video; texts in Romanized Hokkien, English and Chinese)
“世 间 八 风 〜人 生 道 理”
“Practicing Life Lessons can help us live more wisely.
We will then be more happy and peaceful certainly”.
You can check out the Video / 您可以观看视频
“The 8 Worldly Winds ~ Life Lessons to Know”
(Narration in Hokkien for Video; texts in Romanized Hokkien, English and Chinese)
“世 间 八 风 〜人 生 道 理”
Other Hokkien Dhamma Talks can also be found at the URL Link:
For the PowerPoint Presentation with texts in English and Chinese
(No Audio Narration and Explanation), please check out the links
对于包含英文和中文文本的 PowerPoint 演示文稿

Posts of Dhamma/Life Lessons for Constant Reflection (English & Chinese)

 “ Posts of Dhamma/Life Lessons for Constant Reflection ” (English & Chinese)

佛法帖 / 人生课程 供不断反思(英文和中文)
“ Contemplating well on wise LIFE Lessons constantly
can help us live more meaningfully and peacefully .”
You might want to check out the following Presentation
where we can do good Dhamma Reflections at the links below:
“ Posts of Dhamma/Life Lessons for Constant Reflection ” (English & Chinese)
“佛法帖 / 人生课程 供不断反思”(英文和中文)

A Free eBook (English and Malay) ~ 6 Sets of Presentations with Life Lessons for The Young

My compilation of a Free eBook (English and Malay), “6 Sets of Presentations with Life Lessons for The Young ~ A Free Full-Color eBook is now available in PowerPoint pptx and digital pdf format.
The Presentations have important Dhamma/Life Lessons for one and all to learn, understand and practice to develop, Metta, Virtue, Compassion and Wisdom.
I have uploaded this free eBook into my SlideShare and Scribd sites.
The Links are as follows:
Note : At the Contents Page, the Videos (English Narration) of each of the 6 Presentations can be viewed by going to the Hyperlinks after downloading the pdf File of the Presentation. (To avoid the distracting Ads by YouTube at the side panel, which is beyond my control, go full screen for the Video or download the Video to watch offline.)
May you grow in the Dhamma…in wisdom and compassion.
All the best. Sukhi Hotu.
Stay Safe. Be Mindful, ‘Kindful’ and Peaceful. With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Learning Life Lessons from my Websites (English)

 “Learning Life Lessons from my Websites” (English)

This Presentation of a Video and a pdf Presentation) explains how my Dhamma / Life Lessons posts can be accessed easily at my various Websites and social media platforms. The objective is to help people learn and practice Life Lessons to grow in happiness, peace, compassion and wisdom.
The Video can be viewed at the Link:
The Scribd pdf Presentation can be viewed at the Link:
The SlideShare pdf Presentation can be viewed at the Link:
To work the Hyperlinks at the SlideShare and Scribd posts you need to download the pdf files. With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin

A Free Full-Color eBook (English and Chinese) ~ 5 Motivational Presentations

My compilation of a Free Full-Color eBook (English and Chinese),
“5 Motivational Presentations ~ A Free Full-Color eBook ”
is now available in PowerPoint and digital pdf format.
I have uploaded this free eBook into my SlideShare and Scribd sites.
The Links are as follows:
5 个鼓舞人心的 PowerPoint 〜免费全彩电子书
现提供 PowerPoint 和数字 pdf 格式。
我已将这本免费电子书上传到我的 SlideShare 和 Scribd 网站。
(At the Contents Page, the Videos (Hokkien/English Narration) can be viewed by going to the Hyperlinks after you have downloaded the presentation file at the SlideShare (pptx or pdf) or Scribd Website pdf Link.)
May you grow in the Dhamma…in wisdom and compassion.
All the best. Sukhi Hotu. Stay Safe. Be Mindful, ‘Kindful’
and Peaceful.
(在目录页,您可以在 SlideShare(pptx 或 pdf)或 Scribd 网站 pdf 链接下载演示文稿文件后,通过超链接观看视频(闽南语旁白)。)

祝一切顺利。Sukhi Hotu。注意安全。保持正念、善良和平静。 

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Monday, September 16, 2024

Grandpa and Grandma ~ A Story with Life Lessons

“Grandpa and Grandma ~ A Story with Life Lessons”
(Narration in Hokkien for Video; texts in Romanized Hokkien, English and Chinese)

 “Practicing Life Lessons can help us live more wisely.

We will then be more happy and peaceful certainly”.
You can check out the Video / 您可以观看视频
“Grandpa and Grandma ~ A Story with Life Lessons”
(Narration in Hokkien for Video; texts in Romanized Hokkien, English and Chinese)
Other Hokkien Dhamma Talks can also be found at the URL Link:
For the PowerPoint Presentation with texts in English and Chinese
(No Audio Narration and Explanation), please check out the link
对于包含英文和中文文本的 PowerPoint 演示文稿

Jokes that ‘Edutain’ ~ Life Lessons to Gain (English & Chinese)

 “Life lessons must be imparted to the young certainly.

Good jokes and humor can teach life lessons interestingly.”
For the Video
“Jokes that ‘Edutain’ ~ Life Lessons to Gain”
(English Narration)
“寓教于乐的笑话 ~ 人生道理”
please check out the link:
(audio narration and explanation in English; the texts are in English and Chinese)
(Videos of benefit to children, students, teachers and parents can be viewed/downloaded from my YouTube Channel Playlist at:
(对儿童、学生、教师和家长有益的视频可以从我的 YouTube 频道播放列表中观看/下载:
For the Power Point with texts in English and Chinese (No Audio Narration),
please check out the following:
对于带有英文和中文文本的Power Point(无音频旁白),