Monday, March 27, 2006

Food From Aliens 5

The only way to truly have what you want is to give up having to have it. As soon as you let go of HAVING to have something, it no longer is elusive but rather seeks you out. There’s nothing wrong with wanting something, it’s HAVING to have it that messes you up.


Anonymous said...

but what if everyone start to let go their love ones? and the 'loved one' also happen to let go his/her love and both of them just wait for each other to seek each other out? everybody will end up become spouseless..........hahaha.........

Anonymous said...

but what if everyone start to let go their love ones? and the 'loved one' also happen to let go his/her love and both of them just wait for each other to seek each other out? everybody will end up become spouseless..........hahaha.........

Anonymous said...

Once you see the Dhamma, you can realize that it's far more peaceful to be n0n-attached ... which do you prefer ... to be sorrowless or spouseless ... hohoho ...