Thursday, March 27, 2008

Words of The Buddha

How to become a Good Lay Buddhist Disciple?
Mahānāma the Sakyan once asked the Blessed Buddha:Venerable Sir,
What is a Lay Disciple?
Having taken refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha, one is a Lay Disciple!Venerable Sir, What is a Pure Disciple?
Avoiding all killing, stealing, sexual abuse, lying, and neither drinking any alcohol nor taking any drugs causing neglect, one is a Pure Disciple!Venerable Sir, What is a Faithful Disciple?Placing faith in the Enlightenment of the Tathāgata thus: Worthy, honourable & perfectly self-Enlightened is the Buddha! ... teacher & guide of gods & humans, exalted, & awakened ... one is a Faithful Disciple!Venerable Sir, What is a Generous Disciple?Living mentally devoid stinginess, liberal, open-handed, delighting in donation, devoted to charity, enjoying all giving & sharing, one is a Generous Disciple!
Venerable Sir, What is a Disciple who Understands?
One who has understanding of emergence & ceasing, which is Noble, decisive, & which enables eradication of Suffering is a wise Disciple who Understands!

From Samyutta Nikaya

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