Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dumb Questions At The Court

When there is a lack of concentration, mindfulness and clear thinking,
one can utter the most stupid or ridiculous things.

'Enjoy the Following.'

1. Lawyer: "And what did he do then?"
Witness: "He came home, and next morning he was dead."
Lawyer: "So when he woke up the next morning he was dead?"

2. Lawyer: "Now, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?"

3. Lawyer: "Were you acquainted with the deceased?"
Witness: "Yes sir."
Lawyer: "Before or after he died?"

4. Lawyer: "Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?"
Witness: "All my autopsies have been performed on dead people."

5. Lawyer: "You don't know what it was, and you didn't know what it looked like, but can you describe it?"

6. Lawyer: "She had three children, right?"
Witness: "Yes."
Lawyer: "How many were boys?"
Witness: "None."
Lawyer: "Were there girls?"

7. Lawyer: "How many times have you committed suicide?"
Witness: "Four times."

8. Lawyer: "Do you know how far pregnant you are now?"
Witness: "I'll be three months on November 8."
Lawyer: "Apparently, then, the date of conception was August 8?"
Witness: "Yes."
Lawyer: "What were you doing at that time?"

9. Lawyer: "I show you Exhibit 3 and ask you if you recognize that picture."
Witness: "That's me."
Lawyer: "Were you present when that picture was taken?"

10. Witness: "He was about medium height and had a beard."
Lawyer: "Was this a male or a female?"

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