Tuesday, December 23, 2008

True Abundance

From A Forwarded email

True Abundance
The way to experience true abundance is to
stop worrying about what's wrong and start
being thankful for what's right.

For whatever you focus upon will grow stronger.
Focus on the positive, and by so doing
you'll create more of it.

Live each moment with sincere gratitude,
and as each day goes by you'll have more for which to be grateful.
Is it naive, wishful thinking to focus on the positive when there are so many serious problems in the world?
No, because the best response to life's difficulties is not to wallow in them but rather to move positively forward from them.

Firmly grasp the good things in life, with real and abiding appreciation.
When you value and support the good things you have, you'll solidly connect yourself to the increasing abundance that positive commitment can bring.

Start each day knowing that life is precious, valuable,
beautiful and continually getting better.
Experience the abundance and it will grow ever stronger.

~Ralph Marston~

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