Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wisdom From Humor 82

Calling a monkey …
Smart Robin was sued by a Mrs. Robinson for defamation of character. The judge found him guilty and fined him five thousand dollars.
After the sentence, Robin asked the judge in a loud voice, “That means I cannot call Mrs. Robinson “Monkey”?
“Yes, precisely,” the judge replied.
Making sure that Mrs. Robinson could hear him loud and clear, Robin then asked the judge, “Can I call a monkey ‘Mrs. Robinson’ then?”
“Oh, that would be alright,” the judge replied. “No legal action can be taken on that.”
The man then looked at Mrs. Robinson directly and said, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Robinson!”

Some mean people will think of ‘ingenuous’ ways just to get even with people they dislike.
Acts of revenge or vengeance do not solve problems. They breed more anger, ill will and hatred.
The wise person cultivates kindness, compassion and forgiveness. Then and only then will the person experience true mental peace and freedom.

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