Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Affirmations and Aspirations 2

Affirmations and Aspirations 2

Affirmations for Love
"I am surrounded by love"
"I love and accept myself exactly as I am"
"I know that I deserve love and I accept it now"
"I am a loving, beautiful, creative person and this is reflected in my relationships with others"
"Loving myself unconditionally brings healing and an abundance of love into my life"
"The love I give out returns to me multiplied"
"Love flows through my body, shines in my face and radiates out from me in all directions"

Affirmations for Joy
"I go with the flow and my life is easy and filled with joy"
"I see the beauty in my surroundings and I radiate joy and love"
"I am grateful for all the wonderful things I already have in my life and those that are yet to come"
"As I learn to love myself I can feel the love and joy from my own heart flow through my body and radiate out to others"
"I increasingly relax and accept the good that I now know I deserve in my life"
"I regularly take time out to do the things I want and love to do; I follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom and release"
"I now choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving and positive way"

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