Sunday, June 09, 2024

The PBHP DYC ~ Reflections on The Dhamma

 “The PBHP DYC – Reflections on The Dhamma”
(Narration in English for Video; texts in English)

 Dedicated to all members of the PBHP Dhamma Youth Camp Alumni

“The value of the Dhamma is truly beyond measure. 
  May we all not forget or lose this ONE PRICELESS TREASURE.”

You can check out the Video 
“The PBHP DYC – Reflections on The Dhamma”

(Narration & Comments in English for Video; texts in English) at the Link:

Check out the Theme Songs for the PBHP Dhamma Youth Camps (DYC) 1993 – 2012

( with lyrics for important Dhamma Reflection) at the URL Link:

For more detailed explanation and Dhamma Reflections based on the DYC Themes,

you can refer to the PBHP DYC 20th Anniversary 1993 -2012 booklet.  This booklet in pdf format can be viewed and downloaded from the Slideshare URL:

For the PowerPoint Presentation “The PBHP DYC – Reflections on The Dhamma”

(texts in English), please check out the link

With Metta, 
Bro. Oh Teik Bin 🙏☸🤓🥰

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