Sunday, June 09, 2024

"Reflections and Aspirations for Wesak 2024"


“WESAK 2024”

"Reflections and Aspirations for Wesak 2024"

"Blessed Wesak Greetings to all Dhamma Friends far and near.
 May this Wesak bring you lots of happiness, peace and cheer. 
May your good Dhamma practice lessen your worry and fear. 
May your heart be always kind, good and your mind wise and clear."

For Wesak 2024 you might want to do some "Reflections and Aspirations."

The Links are as follows:

 (Video with Hokkien Narration)

 (Video with English Narration)

(PowerPoint with texts in English and Chinese)

 With Metta,

Bro. Oh Teik Bin 🙏☸️🤓🥰


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