Sunday, June 09, 2024

Sacrifices for the Deceased ~ A Tale for Reflection

 “Sacrifices for the Deceased ~ Matakabhatta Jataka – A Tale for Reflection”

(Narration in Hokkien for Video; texts in English and Chinese)
“A good story can impart Dhamma teachings on Kamma.

We will then refrain from evil actions that bring Dukkha.” You can check out the Video (你可以看看视频)

“Sacrifices for the Deceased ~ Matakabhatta Jataka – A Tale for Reflection”
(Narration in Hokkien for Video; texts in English and Chinese)
“为 死 者 献 祭 - Matakabhatta Jataka ~ 一个反思的故事”
(Other Hokkien Dhamma Talks can be found at the URL Link:
For the PowerPoint Presentation with texts in English and Chinese
(No Audio Narration and Explanation), please check out the link
对于包含英文和中文文本的 PowerPoint 演示文稿

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