Monday, September 16, 2024

A Free Full-Color eBook (English and Chinese), “6 Insightful Sets of Dhamma Lessons”

 My compilation of a Free Full-Color eBook (English and Chinese),

“6 Insightful Sets of Dhamma Lessons”
is now available in digital pdf format.
I have uploaded this free eBook into my SlideShare and Scribd sites.
The Links are as follows:
我编写的免费全彩电子书(英文和中文)《6 套富有洞察力的佛法课程》
现已提供数字 pdf 格式。
我已将这本免费电子书上传到我的 SlideShare 和 Scribd 网站。
(At the Contents Page, the Videos (Hokkien Narration) can be viewed by going to the Hyperlinks after you have downloaded the presentation file at the SlideShare (pptx or pdf) or Scribd Website pdf Link.)
May you grow in the Dhamma…in wisdom and compassion.
All the best. Sukhi Hotu. Stay Safe. Be Mindful, ‘Kindful’ and Peaceful.
(在目录页,您可以在 SlideShare(pptx 或 pdf)或 Scribd 网站 pdf 链接下载演示文稿文件后,通过超链接观看视频(闽南语旁白)。)
祝一切顺利。Sukhi Hotu。注意安全。保持正念、善良和平静。 With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin

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