Monday, August 14, 2006

Mobile Phone Danger

In this high-tech age, it is difficult to find a person who does not have a mobile phone. Undoubtedly the cell phone is a remarkable gadget. However, many of us have abused the cell phone in one of the following ways:
  • Spending so much time chit-chatting and SMS ing ... time that could be put into more beneficial ways is lost.
  • Spending so much money on pre-paid cards when there are thousands of unfortunate ones out there who are in need of some charitable help ...
  • Risking damages to our brain membrane through excessive exposure to waves emitted when the cell phone is in use.
  • Never letting our mind have sufficient peace and silence by excessive use of the cell phone.
  • Letting our cell phones ring and disturbing others in places where silence is expected ... prayer and meditation, talks, classes etc
  • risking our lives through stupid use of the cell phone when we are driving ...
  • losing the art of real life communication through excessive use of the cell phone.


Anonymous said...

In a talk by the USM Vice Chancellor during the orientation week, he asked who among us (all of the first year students in the USM Engineering Campus) do not have a handphone. Nobody put up their hands. This showed that every first year students here owned a handphone. Nowadays, handphone has become a 'necessity' to almost everyone on earth. There are various kind of phones with different functions. In my opinion, as long as it has its main function; can be used to call/send message, it is already sufficient.

Anonymous said...

You are indeed wise. Yes, the Cell Phone has its marvellous use. What I am reflecting on is the abuse and overuse ... resulting in adverse effects. Just as everything else ... nuclear energy, genetics, the Internet, drugs as medicine etc ... there can be a downside if one misuses or abuses the discovery. Through Dhamma wisdom one can live in harmony and peace in the midst of modern discoveries...